

Content Defined Chunking

by Sevki
19 Jul 2022
[pdf and ps]

I'm not going to go in to much detail here, there are many excellent resources out there for this topic, but briefly content defined chunking is a technique that is used to break up a large file into smaller chunks.

The particular algorithm is called "FastCDC" as described in FastCDC: a Fast and Efficient Content-Defined Chunking Approach for Data Deduplication and it's corresponding presentation. You should go check these out.

FastCDC breaks up files in to chunk by using a rolling hash function to determine content boundaries.

This method compared to Fixed-Size Chunking is a bit more efficient, but it's also a catches more chunks than Fixed-Size Chunking.


hopefully you'll have a better idea of what CDC does. Let's now see how that works in practice.

Let's build a simple deduplicator system The algorithm is as follows:

voters := map[string]chan chunk{}

totalbytes := map[string]int{}
popularBytes := map[string]int{}

for _, arg := range fs.Args() {
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
	// check schemes, if empty use file
	if u.Scheme == "" {
		u.Scheme = "file"
	voters[u.String()] = process(u, sha256.New(), *minSize, *maxSize, *bits)
	totalbytes[u.String()] = 0
	popularBytes[u.String()] = 0

election := combine(voters)

epoch := 0
for round := range election {
	// print the epoch in magenta
	fmt.Printf("\x1b[35m%d\x1b[0m\n", epoch)
	// every round find the most popular chunk
	// by going through all the votes and finding the most popular score
	tally := map[uint64]int{}
	for _, chunk := range round {

	// find the most popular score
	var maxScore uint64
	for score, count := range tally {
		// if the count is greater than the current max and is more than 1
		if count > 1 && count > tally[maxScore] {
			maxScore = score
	// if the most maxScore is 0, then we have don't have a winner
	if maxScore == 0 {
	// print the most popular score in green
	fmt.Printf("\x1b[32m%b\x1b[0m\n", maxScore)
	// print the chunks with the most popular score in green and the rest in red

	for filename, chunk := range round {
		if chunk.score == maxScore {
			// print it in green
			fmt.Printf("\x1b[32m%s: %s\x1b[0m", filename, chunk.String())
			popularBytes[filename] += len(chunk.data)
		} else {
			// print it in red
			fmt.Printf("\x1b[31m%s: %s\x1b[0m", filename, chunk.String())
		totalbytes[filename] += len(chunk.data)
// for each file, print the total bytes and the popular bytes and it's percentage
for filename, total := range totalbytes {
	fmt.Printf("%s: %d (%d%%)\n", filename, total, popularBytes[filename]*100/total)
	// print the popular bytes in green

After we determine if a chunk is popular, we can use this to determine if a chunk is a duplicate.

For instance the following go programs

// 1.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, 世界")
// 2.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
// 3.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
go build -o testdata/1.out -trimpath -ldflags=-buildid= testdata/1.go
go build -o testdata/2.out -trimpath -ldflags=-buildid= testdata/2.go
go build -o testdata/3.out -trimpath -ldflags=-buildid= testdata/3.go

go run ../../cmd/dedupe *.out | aha > out.html

Since go programs are reproducible, we'd expect 2.out and 3.out to be duplicates and would expect 1.out to be be sharing most of the code.

And indeed the results does confirm the assumption

file://1.out: 1826997 (72%)
file://2.out: 1844660 (100%)
file://3.out: 1844660 (100%)

check out the result

This is a very simple example, but it's a good starting point for deduplication.

Next steps should be to find something like a docker registry and see how much data that can be deduplicated there.